Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage (CCUS)

Gain insight across the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage value chain

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We provide market intelligence on the CCS market and projects in Northwest Europe, as well as subsea infrastructure requirements globally. We enable clients to gain clarity of market and project activity, connect the dots and transact on opportunities.

Our CCS solutions bring together decade’s worth of expertise in offshore markets and the subsurface, with new energies. In Northwest Europe we focus on project capacities, partnerships, investments and timelines, as well as the interconnections and synergies between projects. This includes associated blue hydrogen production, energy clusters, and oil and gas facilities. Globally we track upcoming activity and opportunities in subsea infrastructure and services relevant to storage projects.

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Consulting Services Offshore Energy Services, Oil & Gas and E&P - Offshore Rigs, Subsea, Platforms.

CCS Advisory

Drawing on our sector knowledge, our advisory services cater to both corporate strategy and transaction support. We offer a range of advisory services to clients that build on our subscription and data-led solutions. Examples of our services include: bespoke CCS market reviews, sizing and forecasts to assess the competitive landscape, licensing round analysis, business planning and commercial due-diligence.

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CCS Solutions

Our solutions provide data and analytics to allow clients to track Carbon Capture and Storage activity, analyse trends and identify commercial opportunities.

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CCS is an essential climate mitigation tool. And all sustainable modelling shows that significant scale of CCS is required to reach this goal.

Grete Tveit
SVP Low Carbon Solutions, Equinor
ET Now Podcast, Ep.5

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