Global Exploration & Appraisal

Helping global explorers improve exploration performance

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Renowned for the quality of our technical data delivered by a team of experienced and highly qualified geo-scientists, associates and advisors, our global E&A solutions help improve performance in oil and gas discovery.

We track global E&A drilling at country and company level, and providing exploration performance data on individual basins. Our team of subject matter experts draws on its own exploration experience – often at VP level – to help businesses understand the principle risks they face as well as what drives exploration performance. We also provide well failure analysis in order to focus studies and improve success rates in the future.

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Global E&A

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Consulting Services Offshore Energy Services, Oil & Gas and E&P - Offshore Rigs, Subsea, Platforms.

E&A Advisory

We offer a range of advisory services to clients in the global E&A sector, that build upon our global exploration database. d. Our core areas of focus are: exploration strategy formulation and implementation, exploration access opportunities and performance benchmarking at country, basin, play and company level.

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E&A Product Solutions

The Wildcat product suite, underpinned by deep technical analysis, guides decision-making from acreage access to risk and resource assessment and appraisal.

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Your insight – ‘Jubilee to Liza, the keys to unlocking commercial success’ – provided lots of value to us, indeed you have the most comprehensive well coverage of the play.

Oil and Gas Exploration Company

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