Frac Horsepower

Unrivalled Coverage of Frac Crews and Horsepower

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Changes to procurement strategies have created an unbundling effect for many frac companies, reducing margins for pressure pumping services. With our robust, proprietary data on horsepower and pressure pumping, our team analyses and diagnoses trends in the frac value chain.

Clients rely on our frac horsepower expertise to define basin-by-basin supply and demand for the pressure-pumping market. With data and industry contacts, our analyst team shows relationship between E&Ps and pressure pumpers, profiles top frac companies, and assesses the impacts of new products and strategies for the market.

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Pressure Pumping

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Consulting Services Offshore Energy Services, Oil & Gas and E&P - Offshore Rigs, Subsea, Platforms.

Commercial Advisory

We offer a range of advisory services in the unconventionals sector. Each engagement is unique, but more common projects include: identifying business opportunities, benchmarking corporate strategies, matching technologies to specific locations, analysing competitive positioning and pricing implications.

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Frac Supply
Chain Solutions

We enable E&Ps, oilfield service providers, and financial institutions to understand frac crews and horsepower by basin. Our solutions cover the entire well lifecycle to know the supply and demand scenario for today’s market.

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