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Energy Transition Now Podcast

Energy Transition Now Podcast Logo - ccs, ccus, wind, offshore wind, offshore wind farms, offshore wind projects, hydrogen, green hydrogen, blue hydrogen

The ‘Energy Transition Now’ podcast is a series of 1:1 discussions on the transition to a net-zero emissions energy system with stakeholders in the industry who are part of the change. We explore the changing market dynamics, the opportunities and challenges ahead for the industry, and what this means for different actors.

Throughout the podcast series we will explore a wide range of views and insights through conversations with sustainability / energy transition experts, industry associations, oil and gas companies, and the supply chain before taking a deep dive into the key technologies making the transition possible.

Our schedule below shows the dates and times each podcast will be available from, which you can add to your calendar. We will be announcing many more episodes being added over the coming weeks, so bookmark this page to keep up to date, or sign up with your email below to receive notifications of live podcasts or new episodes.

Series 4

ET Podcast Cover Image Episode 21

Alex Gauntt

Supply Chain Director, Cierco Energy

June 21, 2022
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We kickstart Series Four of the Energy Transition Now podcast, just as RenewableUK begins first day of the Global Offshore Wind 2022 conference and exhibition in Manchester, UK.

To keep on topic, this week we’re delighted to be discussing the opportunities and challenges of floating offshore wind with Alex Gauntt, Supply Chain Director of Cierco Energy.

ET Podcast Cover Image Episode 22

Zeke Hausfather

Climate Research Lead, Stripe

July 7, 2022
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In this episode of Energy Transition Now David Linden speaks with Zeke Hausfather, the climate research lead at Stripe, to discuss the role of climate science amidst the real-world action on climate change. Hausfather is a climate scientist whose research focuses on observational temperature records, climate models, carbon removal, and mitigation technologies.

ET Podcast Cover Image Episode 23

Thomas Boermans

Head of Foresight, E.ON

July 21, 2022
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In this episode David spoke with Thomas Boermans, Head of Foresight at E.ON on the relatively new discipline of strategic foresight.

They consider the role foresight can play in organisations, and how E.ON embeds it into its strategic thinking and business planning. David and Thomas then focus their discussion on the E.ON Trend Radar; an initiative that looks at the themes and topics shaping the future of energy.

Energy Transition Now Podcast, Episode 24 Offshore Wind, OWAT

Tim Pick

Offshore Wind Champion, OWAT

August 23, 2022
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Offshore wind is a renewable energy source that is set for dramatic growth. WGEG forecast that today we have just over 50 gigawatts of global installed capacity, which is set to increase to almost 350 gigawatts by the end of this decade.

The question on everyone’s lips though is how are we going to deliver all of this capacity? To give us their perspective on things, David Linden from WGEG speaks to Tim Pick, Offshore Wind Champion for the UK.

Energy Transition Now Podcast, Episode 25 Low Carbon, Maersk Drilling

Lola Caballero Laporta

Head of Decarbonisation, Maersk Drilling

September 21, 2022
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The oil and gas supply chain plays a key role in producers achieving both efficient operations and their net zero targets. David – and co-host Teresa Wilkie – spoke with Lola Caballero, Head of the Decarbonisation Task Force at Maersk Drilling to understand the opportunities and challenges faced by drillers – and Maersk specifically – as the industry transitions.

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