4th Annual Frac Sand Industry Update, Houston
In the heart of downtown Houston, you’ll connect with colleagues, and learn about the latest frac sand forecasts/trends, while experiencing the prestige of this exclusive venue.
From the health of local communities and the environment to national security, energy independence, and world dynamics, the oil and gas industry is one of the most influential in the world. Petroleum Connection conferences and events focus on multifaceted issues within the oil and gas industry and offer an atmosphere of frank discussion, easy networking, and personal engagement.
Members of Westwood’s senior leadership and analyst teams will be in attendance covering our Energent online platforms.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with any of the team during the week, please view the bios to the left and contact them directly. Alternatively, for more information on our industry leading data and platforms please contact [email protected]
For more information and an agenda overview, click here.