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Hess, EOG, Equinor & Hunt complete new uncon wells

By February 13, 2019February 28th, 2025No Comments

Hess Corporation in Williston (2019-01-08)

A Williston well was completed by Hess Corporation in Williams county, North Dakota. The SC-TR Slette-153-98-1819H-6 was drilled to a measured depth of 21,350 ft with perforations from 11,435 ft to 21,350 ft. It flowed 3,334 bbl of oil, 6,176 MMcf of gas, and 3,358 bbl of water on January 10. Propping agents, acid, iron control, acid inhibitors, and hydraulic horsepower are provided by Keane Group.

EOG in Karnes County (2019-01-11) and (2019-01-13)

EOG completed two wells in Karnes county, Texas. The Yarrow 32 State #702H was drilled to a vertical depth of 12,521 ft with a 16 stage 4,951 ft lateral length in the upper bone spring formation. It produced 3,518 bbl of oil, 7,343 MMcf of Gas, and 5,175 bbl of water for an oil-gas ratio of 2087 Kcf/bbl. It tested with a .88 inch choke size and a flowing casing pressure of 2,622 PSI.

The Red Raider 25 State #704H produced 2,551 bbl of oil, 6,691 MMcf of gas, and 4,430 bbl of water in its 24 hour test on January 18. Drlled to a vertical depth of 12,359 ft with a 16 stage 4,923 ft lateral length, it tested with a 1 inch choke size and flowing casing pressure of 1,394 PSI.

Hunt Oil Company completes 2 mile lateral in Permian (2019-01-06)

Hunt Oil Company reported a completion in the Spraberry and Wolfcamp trend areas in Upton county, Texas. The University 10-3 107HB flowed 700 bbl of oil, 337 MMcf of gas and 1,677 bbl of water over 24 hours February 7 from 9,006 ft to 19,267 ft for a gas-oil ratio of 481. It was drilled to a vertical depth of 8,296 ft with an 11,120 ft lateral. The University 10-3 107HB is located 6.4 miles south east from Rankin, which is the nearest town in the county.

Equinor completes 3 gas wells in Austin Chalk (2019-01-05)

Three gas wells, the Young Gas Unit 1 C 1H, 2H, and 3H, were completed on a 9 well pad in Karnes county in Texas. 100 mesh common white sand and pressure pumping is Halliburton provided across all three wells.

Drilled to a vertical depth of 12,801 ft with a lateral length of 3,644 ft, the Young Gas Unit 1 C 1H flowed 686 bbl of oil and 1,313 MMcf of gas on January 8, producing 27,145 boe monthly.

The Young Gas Unit 1 C 2H tested 1,063 bbl of oil and 4,291 MMcf of gas. It was drilled to a vertical depth of 12,958 ft and a measured depth of 18,300 ft. It produces 9.98 boe monthly per lateral foot.

The Young Gas Unit 1 C 3H produced 902 bbl of oil and 3,810 MMcf of gas from 13,088 ft to 18,396 ft. It was drilled to a measured depth of 18,750 ft with a 5,802 ft lateral. Monthly, the Young Gas Unit 1 C 3H produces 46,110 boe per month 7.94 boe per month per lateral foot.

Source: Energent Group