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Atlas Decom - Oil & Gas Decommissioning Activity
Atlas Decom is the dedicated market intelligence solution that provides the What, Where, When and Who of the offshore UK and Norway abandonment landscape.
The scale and pace of oil and gas decommissioning in the UK and Norway
UK North Sea decommissioning spend in the next 10 years
Of decommissioning spend in Norway forecast between 2035 and 2044
UK fields ceased production in 2024
Of active UK fields expected to cease production in 2025
Hubs & Fields
Frequently Asked Questions
When will decommissioning activity start?
The Atlas Decommissioning module provides users with economic field CoPs under base, low and high commodity price scenarios. It also gives users the capability to flex their own price decks, costs or production scenarios to determine a CoP and abandonment outlook.
What infrastructure is associated with the hubs and fields that will cease?
The Atlas Decommissioning module provides a summary of platform, floating facilities, subsea infrastructure and wells associated with every field in the UK and Norway.
Who are the Operators managing the activity?
The Atlas Decommissioning module has been set up to provide gross production, costs and infrastructure for fields and hubs at the operator level to enable the supply chain to better evaluate opportunities.
What variables can be used for decommissioning sensitivity analysis?
The Atlas Decommissioning valuations tool allows users to set their own oil and gas price forecasts, flex operating costs, tariffs and/or production to produce their own decommissioning outlook for fields, hubs and operators.
Oil & Gas Decommissioning Sensitivity Analysis
Our Atlas Decom – Oil & Gas Decommissioning Activity
“As the UK North Sea enters a new phase where decommissioning becomes the dominant industry driver, the supply chain faces significant demand and major financial risk. Based on current investment plans, up to 40% of UK fields could cease production before 2030. With the impact of decommissioning tax liabilities on abandonment expenditure, cost-effective P&A must be paramount.”
Decommissioning Activity Forecast
Make dynamic forecasts of field economic CoPs with projections of the associated infrastructure to be abandoned.
Business Opportunities
Identify and assess opportunities within the decommissioning market by understanding the What, Where, When and Who.
Operator Lens
Aggregates the production, field facilities, infrastructure and wells at the operated level to allow the supply chain to understand scope of work by Operator.
Independent Source
Improve internal decision making with an independent and objective source for decommissioning timing and requirements.
Supply Chain Opportunities
Identify the volume of decommissioning opportunities for major activity work fronts such as wells P&A, platform removal, subsea templates and manifold removal.
Industry Knowledge
Access a highly experienced and dedicated team with deep industry knowledge of oil & gas decommissioning.